Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bundy Gang Update

Just a few links from Oregon Live.

Here's Jon Ritzhimer having a fit over inappropriate gifts. Self-reliance isn't just an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson you know, Jon.

If I lived in Burns, I'd have to think about actually arming up myself.

Police and community members say the menacing is real and has been going on for weeks. 

There are a number of incidents at that link. It may not be the actual militia that are involved. It could just be that they draw a bad element. So, apparently on Friday they are going to let the town know when they'll stop holding it hostage.

The armed militants occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge announced Tuesday morning that they will drive into Burns at the end of the week to hold a community meeting and inform residents when they will leave.

BTW, I do think that Ammon Bundy would make a great running mate for whoever wins the Republican nomination for prez. 

Doolittle Link 

1 comment:

  1. I'd settle for seeing them behind bars. The Hammonds who they were ostensibly there to support got a pretty decent sentence. So, I'm hoping as the party breaks up, they'll snag some of the ringleaders and clap irons on them.
