(W)ith Franken, we're seeing the acccession of the most disgusting fever-swamp partisanship to Capital Hill.
Keeping it classy, Don.
* Truth 101 warning-Do not click!
Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
Comes the news that Rupert is shedding some of the dead weight in his media empire. Apparently, he is selling American Standard. Oops, that’s right, they decided on Weekly Standard for some reason. Maybe because neos are so distinctly un-American. Who knows? Piss on it, who cares?
Will Kristol and Barnes remain at the helm? Or will the magazine turn toward a more traditional conservatism?
Or will they have to find honest work that doesn’t involve shilling for war and more war.
The neoconservative movement has recently suffered several blows. The sun has set on the pugnacious New York Sun, which served as a valuable outlet for neoconservative journalists and authors. The American Enterprise Institute has ousted several neoconservatives, including Joshua Muravchik, from its roster of fellows.
Sad, isn’t it?
But the Standard’s greatest feat was to play a decisive role in shaping the debate during the run-up to the Iraq War, when magazines such as the New Republic followed its lead in promoting the toppling of Saddam Hussein.
Coincidentally, this is also the reason they should burn in Hell.
If the Standard’s success helped push the Bush administration in the direction of pursuing a kind of World War III against Islamic terrorism, it also influenced magazines such as National Review. Formerly redoubts of traditional conservatism, skeptical of nation-building and foes of big government, these publications muted—if not abandoned—much of the original faith, to the distress of conservative founding fathers like William F. Buckley, Jr., who depicted the Iraq War as a dangerous Wilsonian crusade.
Once again, why is the word conservative part of the word neo-conservative.
Kristol may simply become bored with journalism and take a post either at a think tank or inside the GOP itself.
Or he could spend the rest of his life repenting for the damage he’s done. Wouldn’t count on that. I’m sure his smirking face will still be seen in countless arenas pushing for the US military to fight new wars against the enemies of William Kristol.
Here’s proof that not only is James Von Brunn a left winger, but so was Richard Nixon.
The advantage I see to this list is that anyone who finishes below Ann Coulter would almost have to quit writing on anything besides a bathroom wall. I can’t imagine the shame of being ranked below a smear mongering, no talent, sensationalist hack like Coulter. Turn in your keyboards fellas.
30) Brent Bozell</
29) Jack Kelly
28) Cassy Fiano
27) Quin Hillyer
26) David Limbaugh
25) Dennis Prager
24) Michael Barone
23) Wes Pruden
22) Tony Harden
21) Melissa Clouthier
20) Larry Elder</A
19) David Harsanyi
18) Mike Adams
17) Frank Fleming
16) Rich Lowry
15) Tony Blankley
14) Jeff Jacoby
13) Karl Rove
12) Lorie Byrd
11) Charles Krauthammer
10) Victor Davis Hanson
9) Jonah Goldberg
8) Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
7) Burt Prelutsky
6) Michelle Malkin
5) Walter Williams
4) John Stossel
3) Thomas Sowell
2) Mark Steyn
1) Ann Coulter
The man charged with murdering a high-profile abortion doctor claimed from his jail cell Sunday that similar violence was planned around the nation for as long as the procedure remained legal, a threat that comes days after a federal investigation launched into his possible accomplices.
"I know there are many other similar events planned around the country as long as abortion remains legal," Roeder said. When asked by the AP what he meant and if he was referring to another shooting, he refused to elaborate further.
Ve haf ways of making you talk: stress positions, sleep deprivation, temperature extremes, a few hundred waterboard sessions, etc. The iron maiden will loosen his tongue.
That’s the problem, you coddle these terrorists and you’ll get nothing out of them. At least waterboard him. It’s not torture, the Bush legal team said as much.
Yes, I’m kidding.
I’m of an age to have been a big fan of the original Kung Fu series. Carradine always seemed a little off, in a good way. He pulled off eccentric well, something I aspire to myself. Don’t know why he would have hung himself, health problems maybe, who knows. If it is the case that he did commit suicide, it was his choice and so be it.
Go in peace back into the river of the Tao, David.
This is what I was looking for in the story:
The sale of the Hummer brand to a Chinese company will not impact the production of U.S. military vehicles. Military Humvees are produced by a different company, privately held AM General, based in South Bend, Ind.
A bit troubling that one of the signature vehicles of the US military is now going to be owned by the Chinese, even if it’s not the exact same thing. It’s not troubling for military reasons, but rather as a further indication of our economic slippage.
Start your kids learning Mandarin, they’re going to need it.
Personally, I would have put Xena at the top. Barbarella, Wonder Woman and Storm, as well, would have been higher. For quality of the work, Alien was far above all the rest, though. Sigourney Weaver was incredible in in that whole series.
I feel like I’m intruding on Brain Rage’s territory here. Or worse yet, doing Rule 5 blogging. What can I say, I love campy science fiction.
Here’s Mitt Romney showing why he finished in fourth, possibly fifth, place in the race for the White House. At one point, he spouts some insanity about how the shareholders should run GM. I own shares in a number of companies. I send back my proxies. Do I have a clue who I’m voting for? No. Just like 90 some on per cent of shareholders. How the freakin’ Hell are the shareholders going to run GM?
He’s making Palin look smarter.