Saturday, July 4, 2009

Taking Back Religion

The religious left has a long tradition of activism on social issues, including the civil-rights movement. But for the past quarter century, faith-based politicking has been dominated by the religious right, which built a powerful army of activists -- and a formidable fund-raising machine -- on the strength of leaders such as the Rev. Jerry Falwell of the Moral Majority and radio host James Dobson of Focus on the Family.

The religious left's re-emergence as a strong voice -- with the financial backing to make aggressive media buys -- is a "seismic shift," said D. Michael Lindsay, a sociologist at Rice University who studies evangelical politics. 

If the Republicans don’t even have religion to fall back on anymore, what do they have? 

A religious coalition called the American Values Network spent nearly $200,000 placing the global warming ads. Some political analysts credit the campaign with boosting support for the Waxman-Markey climate bill, which narrowly passed the House last week.

As opposed to the right wing religious view that God gave us the planet to destroy as we see fit. 

Democratic lawmakers representing conservative districts say such efforts help them make the case to skeptical constituents that they aren't simply toeing the party line -- or turning into bleeding-heart liberals -- when they support President Barack Obama's calls for health-care and climate-change legislation. 

Maybe Obama knew what he was doing when he was “palling  around with Rick Warren.” 


Of course, as any good pro-victory associate professor of polisci will tell you, left wing types can’t be religious. They are all atheistic nihilist scum from the fever swamp or something like that.

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