Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lord, I'm Linking to Jen Rubin

Well, rip off the band-aid. Here it is.

President-elect Donald Trump has — and has had for some time — a good list of qualified and confirmable nominees for secretary of state. In that group we would include Mitt Romney, John Bolton and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.). 

Best we could hope for anyway.

Among the worst, the most preposterous, contenders is ExxonMobil Chief Executive Rex Tillerson. How did he even get on Trump’s list? One theory is that Trump recently met with former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and former defense secretary Robert Gates, two principals in the RiceHadleyGates consulting firm that reportedly had been hired by Exxon. Another is that Trump and national security adviser-designee Mike Flynn’s Russia-toadying is at work here.

Rubin is starting to sound like a liberal. Truly a scary thing.

The only person who would like this nomination would be — you guessed it — Putin.

I can hear myself saying that. 

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