Thursday, June 4, 2015

Et Tu, Bernie, Et Tu

It's sad to see that Bernie Sanders has become a faux liberal.

  • Joanne Gavin How about getting Bernie Sanders on the show?
UnCommon Sense I have a feeling he's saving himself solely for national media, Joanne.

During my congressional campaign, we reached out to Bernie and were completely ignored.

Ralph Nader has told me that Bernie doesn't ever respond to any of his letters. Nor does his staff.

You could reach out to Bernie's people on my behalf but he's being pretty clear, by running as a Democrat, that he is choosing to not be part of a movement forward.

I certainly wish that, at least, he'd write an essay explaining what he's trying to build by running with a corporatist war party.

Yes, how strange that Sanders would decline (by not acknowledging Funiciello's existence) to be on a radio show that has already featured a birther/sovereign citizen (Robert Schultz), a 9/11 conspiracy theorist (Tony Cerro) and is featuring a Tea Party activist (David Livingston) this week. The first two of the above-mentioned guests were not challenged in any way in their beliefs. 

Yeah, it's Sanders that's not part of the movement forward. And good for him for ignoring Nader, too.

HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT: Go and enjoy "Learning Curves are for Pussies." Hopefully the voters of the 21st district have a learning curve.

PARTIAL MEA CULPA: I did listen to the full show with David Livingston and if I had missed the last few minutes, this would be a full mea culpa. Livingson's story of his service in Vietnam was admirable. I have sympathy for him for that and for the health problems of his daughter, likely caused by his exposure to Agent Orange. He fights against war and for peace now and I love him for that.

He did lose me at the end by revealing that he has, I believe he said, 72 different DVD's for sale. Examples included 9/11 theories and chemtrails. And, unbelievably, the Bilderbergs. Really? Still? The Bilderberg's?

Oh God, apparently yes.

Proponents of Bilderberg conspiracy theories in the United States include individuals and groups such as the John Birch Society,[47][52] political activist Phyllis Schlafly,[52] writer Jim Tucker,[53] political activist Lyndon LaRouche,[54] radio host Alex Jones,[2][55][56] and politician Jesse Ventura, who made the Bilderberg group a topic of a 2009 episode of his TruTV series Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.[57] Non-American proponents include Russian-Canadian writer Daniel Estulin.[58]

I know Funiciello doesn't get his news from the "corporate news media." I gotta wonder if he gets it from Alex Jones and Infowars, though. 

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