Since the latest bullshit is that Trump was so busy with impeachment he couldn’t take on coronavirus:
Yes. He held rallies on:
—January 9th
—January 14th
—January 28th
—January 30th
—February 10th
—February 19th
—February 20th
—February 21st
—February 28th
He golfed on:
—January 18th
—January 19th
—February 1st
—February 15th
—March 7th
—March 8th
Thanks to Andrew Wortman on Twitter. And since I’m there. Rick Wilson:
Someone pointed out the cognitive dissonance of the current Trump message. "Trump's handling of Corona has been PERFECT from the start and he was johnny-on-the-spot!" while simultaneously saying, "Oh, the MEAN impeachment was SO distracting."
Various interesting stuff I ran across on the net over the last week.
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Something's not quite right about this box.
The teacher sets an example f...